August 28, 2011

Mastering the Art of Crock Pot Cooking

Hi Everyone! Hope Hurricane Irene didn't affect your area too hard. We lost power in our home for about 5 hours but luckily none of the gorgeous, old trees around our home came down. Everyone else in our neighborhood also seems to be okay as well.

So why the title? Well Julie & Julia is on TV right now and it made me realize how much I miss cooking. Between writing my thesis and the summer heat I have not really been glued to the oven like I usually am. Although I love to cook, I do not like heating my house up in the middle of summer. Now that the weather is cooling down I am starting to search the internet for recipes. This fall/ winter goal is to use my wonderful crock pot that was given to me at my bridal shower. I have used it once or twice and it always works well but I can't seem to muster the courage to leave the house for a whole day with it on. I know, I'm a baby.
So after searching for awhile for the perfect recipe, I found Chicken Enchilada Soup. I am going to try it out this week and let you know how it goes. Of course I will post lots of pictures since I am a visual person and make sure I tell you what works and what doesn't. Until then, keep dry!

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